

英语受动词形态变化规则的限制,一个句子往往只运用一个动词,而其他的动词往往转化为非谓语动词、名词、介词或弱化和虚化了动词,因而降低了动词的使用频率。英语倾向于静态(static):preponderance of nouns over verbs。而汉语无动词形态变化限制,无非谓语动词;多个动词可充当句子的各种成分,亦可连用甚至重复、重叠、合成并用。因而汉语倾向于动态(dynamic):preponderance of verbs over nouns。[16]那么英语的静态倾向表现在那些方面:




译文1:Freedom-loving people everywhere condemned them because they violated the agreement reached at Helsinki and abused basic human rights in their own country.

译文2:The abuse of basic human rights in their own countryin violation of the agreement reached at Helsinki earned them the condemnation of freedom-loving people everywhere.



译文1:The doctor arrived extremely quickly and examined the patient uncommonly carefully;the result was that he recovered very speedily.

译文2:The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and uncommonlycareful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recoverey.

译文1用了多个动词做谓语,倾向于动态。译文2则用名词代替动词,整体呈静态,因而更像英语该有的表达方式。但英语中过分使用或滥用名词的习惯(noun habit)或(nominal style)会使文句冗长(wordy)、含糊(vague)、缺乏活力(lifeless)。凡事得有个度!


译文1:The effect of the overuse of nouns in writing is the placingof too much strain upon the verbs and the resultant prevention of movement of the thought.

译文2:One who overuses nouns in writing places too much strain upon the verbs and as a result prevents the thought from moving along.

以上译文1缺乏动态感。唯一一个软弱的谓语动词“is”却要拉动一个满载名词的主语,还必须推动两个满载名词的表语,累啊。因此不少英美语言学者主张多用活泼的动词来简化句子结构,分担句子的负担,化静态为动态。但总体来说,英语常用名词,少用动词,属静态[17]。O.Jespersen指出:It seems possible to express ideas with greater precision and adequacy by means of nouns than by means of the more pictorial verbs…When we express by means of nouns what is generally expressed by finite verbs,our language becomes not only more abstract,but more abstruse,owing among other things to the fact that in the verbal substantive some of the life-giving elements of the verb(time,mood,person)disappear.While the nominal style may therefore serve the purposes of philosophy,where,however,it now and then does nothing but disguise simple thoughts in the garb of profound wisdom,it does not lend itself so well to the purposes of everyday life.[18]

(二)用名词表示施事者(Agentive noun),以代替动词

英语除了用抽象名词表示行为和动作(如realize-realization,complete-completion)外,还常用含有行为和动作意义的普通名词代替动词(如a hard worker,a slow walker,a good thief and a bad sailor)既表示施事者,又保留原来动词的意义,构成静态结构。而汉语由动词加后缀构成的名词(如读者、教师、打字员、修理工)用来指人,不再表示行为和动作,因而像a hard worker这样的名词要转换成汉语动词:(他)工作勤奋。[19]

例1.He is a good eater and a good sleeper.


例2.He was a nonsmoker and a teetotaler


例3.She is the best hater I’ve ever known.How she got to hate me so much!


例4.I used to be a bit of a fancier myself.


例5.You’re all clock-watchers today!


例6.The computer is a far more careful and industrious inspector than human beings.


例7.Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence or not of acid in a solution.


(三)用名词代替形容词,构成标题式短语(Headline phrase)

报刊标题为了节约版面,尽量省去虚词和其他次要的词,把具有刺激性的词语(stimulating words)挤压在一起,因而名词连用成了一种“free-and-easy habit”。如:

Sino-American Trade Review Talks Start


January Crude Oil Output Beats Target


500-Meter-Long Flood Prevention Dyke Built


这种名词连用的短语结构简化,表达方便,词数少而信息量大,其使用范围已大大超出了报刊标题,在现代英语中几乎俯拾即是。B.Foster指出:“The whole tendency of the modern language is towards doing away with adjectives,or at least,using nouns as epithets.”[20]如:



Space shuttle flight test program


Computer programming teaching device manual


Satellite communications ground station equipment repairer


名词连用加强了英语的名词优势,也反映了现代英语追求简洁的总趋势,但不少语言学者反对堆砌名词(nouns pileups),认为这会使语言失去活力,缺乏动态感,有时还会造成语意含混,甚至产生歧义。E.Gowers指出:“The constant use of headline phrases is usually a sign either of unclear thinking or of unwillingness to say things as briskly and simply as possible.A headline phrase consisting of more than two words should be treated with suspicion,and things tend to get even more awkward if the phrase includes an adjective as well as a number of nouns;it is not always obvious on first reading which noun the adjective qualifies,and tiresome problems of hyphenation sometimes arise.”[21]

例如,British history teachers既可理解为teachers of British history(教英国历史的教师),也可理解为British teachers of history(教历史的英国教师)。[22]又例如,

Excessive headline phrase condemnation is,of course,a possibility.

=It is possible,of course,to go too far in condemning headline phrases.

=it is possible,of course,to condemn the overuse of headline phrases.

名词连用或用名词代替形容词(noun adjectives)在现代英语中是一种盛行的文风。H.W.Fowler也指出:“These tricks,when allowed to affect literary style,destroy both precision and elegance;Sentences stumble along painfully and obscurely in synthetic lumps instead of running easily and lucidly with analytical grace.The corruption has gone far,affecting especially political speeches,official writing,and commercialese.”[23]例如:

例1.Major vehicle expansion projects must depend on steel availability.

=Major projects for expanding the production of vehicles must depend on how much steel is available.

例2.Where retirement dissatisfaction existedadvance activity programming had been insignificant.

=The people who were unhappy after retirement were those who had taken little trouble to plan their activities beforehand.

例3.This compulsion is much regretted,but a large vehicle fleet operator restriction in mileage has now been made imperative in meeting the demand for petrol economy.

=We much regret having to do this,but we have been obliged to restrict greatly the operation of our large fleet of ve-hicles(or to restrict the operation of our fleet of large vehicles?)to meet the demand for economy in petrol.



例1.He is at his books.


例2.The machine is in operation.


例3.They immediately set out in pursuit of the enemy.


例4.Shall we go to the theatre


例5.With these words she went away.


例6.He has someone behind him.


例7.Is this train for Chicago?


介词与名词结合,组成介词短语(Prep+n=prepositional phrase)。大量介词短语常与弱化动词(如be,seem,look,become等)和“沉闷的名词”(ponderous nouns)连用。

In view of the fact that Mr.Jones is not very well,I am taking the opportunity of replaying on his behalf.

Our company’s well-defined position is that it stands ready at all times to co-operate with your firm whenever it is called upon to do so.The majority of stockholders are in complete sympathy with your company’s goals and objectives in regard to the construction of a new plant…


I am replying for Mr.Jones,who is ill.

Our company is always ready to co-operate.Most of our stockholders sympathize with your aim to build a new plant…

“名称+介词”这类短语可削弱或淡化(dilute)原来所要表达的动词、形容词和其他词语的意义,使叙述曲折迂回(circumlocution),因而增强了静态感,如:give rise to(arouse)。

例1.make contact with(meet)

例2.arrive at a decision(dscide)

例3.afford an opportunity to(allow)

例4.conduct an investigation into(investigate)

例5.of an unusual character(unusual)

例6.beyond the shadow of a doubt(certain)

例7.on two separate occasions(twice)

例8.in view of the foregoing circumstances(therefore)

英语文体学家认为滥用这种弱化表达法(debilitated style)是一种不良的文风。这类短语往往使表达显得啰唆(wordy)、累赘(verbose)、缺乏生气(lifeless),因而不宜提倡。H.W.Fowler指出,“Strings of nouns depending on one another and the use of compound prepositions are the most conspicuous symptoms of the periphrastic malady,and writers should be on the watch for these in their own composition”[25].许多学者主张多用平易(plain)、活泼(lively)、具体(concrete)和直截了当的(direct)词,以减少英语的静态倾向。


英语中最常用的动词正是动作意味最弱的动词———to be,其各种形式(包括must be,may be,should have been等)都缺乏动态感。由“it”或“there”与be构成的句式,其静态意味更加明显,试比较:

例1.There was a tropical storm off the east coast of Florida.


A tropical storm lashed the east coast of Florida.


例2.It was the finding of the committee that there had been bribes paid by company managers to foreign officials.

The committee found that company managers had bribed foreign officials.


除了be之外,have,become,grow,feel,go,come,get,do等也是英语常用的弱式动词(verbs of feeble phenomenality).英语还常常把动词转化或派生成名词,置于虚化动词(如have,make,take,do等)之后作宾语,如have alook,take a walk,make attempts,pay visits,do some damages,put up a proposal等。这类动词短语往往显得虚弱而平淡无味(color-less)。[26]试比较:

例1.After he had a quarrel with his boss,Jack quit.

After he quarreled with his boss,Jack quit.


例2.A distinction must be made between“economic”and “economical”.

You must distinguish between“economic”and“economical”.


此外,用动名词作虚化动词do的宾语,如do some shopping,do some washing等,也很常见:

例3.The combine does the harvesting of the grain.

The combine harvests the grain.




例1.I am doubtful whether he is still alive.


例2.The teacher thanked her pupils because they are very cooperative.



例1.A postman is not afraid of dogs.


例2.John seems content just to sit in front of the television all night.



例1.I’m afraid Mr.Brown is out,but he’ll be in soon.


例2.The newspaper was down at six yesterday.


例3.Down with the old and up with the new.

